File:City Overview Top.png
City Overview (top)

Cities can be created after reaching the Ancient Era, from existing or newly created outposts by the city creation action. After reaching the Early Modern Era and researched the Three-Masted Ship technology, which provides the settler unit, cities can be created by settlers with a few built-in infrastructures. Each city controls a territory, which the city built-in. Cities can build districts, wonders, holy sites and so on in their own territory.

Administrators[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Cities need an administrator to unlock all its functions, but they can operate without them. If a city is unadministered, the city suffers a few penalties. These penalties are: the city is not able to build units, it needs more Food food to sustain its population and the city gets a huge hit on its Stability stability (-30 Stability ). The administrators can be assigned and unassigned from cities as well to relocate them.

Stability[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Each city has its own overall Stability stability. The city Stability stability provides bonuses based on the actual Stability stability percentage. If city Stability stability goes under 25% the city loses its capability to build new districts or continue existing constructions. If it drops even below the city can revolute. But if the city has over 90% Stability stability it gets bonuses to the population growth and more. To keep the Stability stability high cities can build infrastructures, run repeatable actions or build specific districts like the Commons Quarter. But keep in mind most districts and increasing the city territory count reduce Stability stability.

Territory expansion[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

It is possible to combine multiple territories to reduce the amount of cities required to control them. Each city can absorb multiple outposts or cities to increase controlled territories. To absorb cities require the Military Architecture technology in the Medieval Era. Absorption cost Influence influence or Money money, depending on the era. Each extra territory cost the city -20 Stability stability.

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