Strategic Resources are one of the resources in Humankind. They are required to build certain units and infrastructure. Resources can be exploited by a city or an outpost in the same territory.

Resources[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Resource Era Technology Extractor Trade Base Cost Units Infrastructures
Horse Horse Ancient Era Domestication Horse Ranch 10 Money Scout Riders, Horsemen Tourney Fields
Copper Copper Ancient Era Bronze-working Copper Mine 20 Money Mortar
Iron Iron Classical Era Standing Army Iron Mine 30 Money Musketeers, Swordsmen
Saltpetre Saltpetre Early Modern Era Gunpowder Warfare Saltpetre Mine 270 Money Musketeers, Mortar
Coal coal Industrial Era unknown Coal Mine 60 Money
Oil oil Industrial Era unknown Oil Well 270 Money
Aluminium aluminium Contemporary Era unknown Aluminium Mine 270 Money
Uranium uranium Contemporary Era unknown Uranium Mine 540 Money

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