Era stars are earned by completing generated objectives for your culture. Era Stars are spread across seven categories that correspond to the seven culture affinities: Aesthete, Agrarian, Builder, Expansionist, Merchant, Militarist, and Scientist. There are 3 era stars to unlock per category in an Era and the era stars that match your culture affinity will yield you twice the amount of Fame fame. These categories includes several minor objectives such as building extensions and claiming territory, as well as a main objective which is determined by the one of seven gameplay orientations for your culture. These objectives can be completed multiple times with increasing requirements. Upon completing an objective you will earn an era star and some Fame fame.

Era star categories[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Neolithic Era[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Name Icon Description
Growth Star File:Growth Star icon animated.gif Have 5 population and/or units within your Empire.
Knowledge Star File:Knowledge Star icon animated.gif Accrue 10 knowledge. Discover curiosities to improve your tribe's understanding of the world. By accruing enough knowledge, a legacy trait could be chosen. Knowledge will be converted into Science science in the next era.
Hunter Star File:Hunter Star icon animated.gif Hunt a total of 3 animal units.

Competitive spirit era star[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

When an Empire is the first one to enter a new era, its opponents unlock this era star category. This catch-up category will passively grant you era stars each Turn turn until you unlock the next era. Era Stars will unlock faster as more Empires reach the next era. Note that this era star category will be reset and removed when entering a new era, and that it does not grant any Fame fame.

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